About Us

Our movement is working to bring hope to DC and to what the Capital City can become. Hope 4 DC!

Family, Safety, Prosperity

Stand for family, safety, and prosperity in Washington, DC!

Ward 7 of Washington, DC has incredible potential, but we see time and time again city leadership falling in line with failed solutions instead of common sense.

DC needs to get back to supporting the family unit in DC more than anything else. DC needs to support a safe and freedom-centered alternative that allows businesses to grow and succeed without an overbearing city government.

More than anything, we in DC need to stand and pray recognizing that Jesus has the answers that we need in this city.

I would love to have your support, and I look forward to the opportunity of serving in the Capital City.

- Noah Montgomery

Feature section

The feature layout is built with flex, like the hero layout. Don’t like our typesetting? You can update every detail in the typography section of the Style panel.

You can also add spacing between the heading and paragraph, swap a video in for the image, or add a button. Just make sure to drop your button into the div block that contains this content.

You can also add spacing between the heading and paragraph, swap a video in for the image, or add a button. Just make sure to drop your button into the div block that contains this content.

Feature section

feature layout is built with flex, like the hero layout. Don’t like our typesetting? You can update every detail in the typography section of the Style panel.

You can also add spacing between the heading and paragraph, swap a video in for the image, or add a button. Just make sure to drop your button into the div block that contains this content.

You can also add spacing between the heading and paragraph, swap a video in for the image, or add a button. Just make sure to drop your button into the div block that contains this content.

Noah Montgomery

Starting from a firm conviction that there should be a representative for the family in the District, Noah decided to run for office.

Born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia, Noah grew up in a large Christian family rooted in the principles of family, hard work, and integrity.

Since 2020, Noah has lived and worked in Washington, DC, witnessing first hand and recognizing some of the broken things in the city. Noah recently got married in March 2024 to his lovely wife Sarah.‍


Noah Montgomery
Candidate for DC Council Ward 7
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